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Jobs for pregnant women

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Work for pregnant women:

If you are looking for a job and are pregnant, or if a high-risk pregnancy prevents you from reporting your job, but you still need a salary, you still have some job opportunities. Your doctor may advise you to limit your activity during pregnancy, especially for high-risk pregnancies. In that case, working from home is probably the best option.

The different types of work from home allow pregnant mothers to make money and get the rest they need. You may already have a job that you can run remotely. In this case, ask your employer if you can work from home until the maternity leave begins. (In some cases, rest may justify payment for early childbirth. Check with your employer for this.)

Otherwise, try one of the following work spaces:

If you choose one of these options, get a job at one of the many companies that help mothers find a job at home. Be sure to clear your work arrangements with your doctor first.

Freelance writer:

Are you creative and good at writing? Can you meet the deadline and express your thoughts clearly in writing? Working as a freelance writer may be exactly what you are looking for. These types of gigs may require you to create a rehearsal. A great way to prepare for this career is to create and publish a blog post on your website or LinkedIn. Most companies pay per article, per pageview for online publishing, or both.

Virtual assistant:

 Being organized and accomplishing small things is what every businessman, especially an entrepreneur, needs. Virtual assistants give you time to create and sell products. This type of role requires good Microsoft Office skills, rapid email management skills, and a stock of online tools (such as Google Calendar and Drive) for managing schedules and transferring files. Some assistants are paid per task, while others are paid hourly. If you are interested in this activity, please visit the International Virtual Assistants Association.

Data processor:

 For a company to function, a lot of written or recorded data must be processed by the system, and the data processor is usually responsible for this task. This type of role requires very good organizational strength and the ability to stay focused on repetitive tasks. Source data, such as paper files and audio clips, is usually provided and you are prompted to post it and enter the results into a database for easy retrieval.

Online community manager or social media manager:

 This type of work may require building, managing, and developing an online community on your company’s website or social media channels. Individuals in this role create content for users to speak, moderate comments, and inspire conversations to build a company’s brand and purpose. It also means managing and publishing content across branded social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest.

Corporate recruiter:

 If you have a talent background and are well-judged, corporate recruitment, sometimes referred to as headhunting, may be right for you. Recruiters are responsible for creating job descriptions, screening telephone and interviews, developing a pool of qualified candidates, and coordinating the final interview schedule. This type of position requires good written and verbal communication skills and a thirst to find the right person for the organization.

Employers cannot deny a woman’s job just because she is pregnant. So don’t let pregnancy stop you looking for something new.

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